Many women will tell you that when they are pregnant their body changes and they notice things on a level deeper than then ever have before. The smallest kick, or growth can feel completely different to an expecting mother. What you may not know is that while you are pregnant your dreams change and during this pregnancy I have had some of the most horrifying dreams I have ever had in my entire life.
Some people say that what you eat before you go to bed will alter the dreams that you have however, since all my nutrition is given through a tube in my arm I don't think that is a factor in my night time terrors. One thing I do think has helped bring certain things to life in my dreams is my wonderful husbands selection of horror and zombie movies. I think this is what my mind used as inspiration to draw my dreams from.
The first dream that I remember having I was in the basement of a school surrounded by lockers, classrooms and students. I remember an alarm going off almost like a warning siren and then people screaming and running to hide. Out of now where there are guns being shot, fires starting in the halls and I'm throwing a grenade blowing off some guys leg. I would go into further detail but I think you will get the idea if I just say there was blood and guts everywhere, and I was the one killing these people off. Oh and in case you were wondering, no one I knew was in the dream so I didn't kill off friends or certain family members.
Another dream I remember is one where I was actually a zombie living in this huge mansion with a bunch of other zombies. We were running around trying to save this person from becoming a brain eating evil zombie...don't ask apparently I was a non brain eating zombie. Anyways we ending up failing and then were running or zombie walking I guess for our lives away from this other zombie. At the end of the dream we had to leave the mansion and move into another safe zombie district. Weird I know.
The dream I had last night was probably the most terrifying dream I have had in a long time, if not in my whole life. I was in this dark cold room with two other people. I had this gut wrenching feeling that this room was surrounded by evil and that I shouldn't be there. As I was sitting there the other girl that was in the room started becoming more and more angry stating all the reasons as to why she hated herself. As her anger grew and grew I watched as her body split into two. One side was the evil angry part that obviously had more control and the other was this weak pile on the floor. As I sat there the stronger part of this girl began to brutally beat and kill the other half of herself, and when I say brutally think of the worst horror movie scene you can think of and times that by ten.
After she had killed the other half of herself, I ran out of the building and into these two little girls who were no more than 8 or 9 years old. I told them to run as fast as they could away from the house and get help. We were running down the alley and I looked behind me to see the "Angry Girl"who had now turned into this dark flying witch type figure had grabbed one of the girls. I remember hearing the shrill blood curdling screams of now both girls being taken and flown off to be killed. I kept running and running until I found this security guard on a bicycle and asked him if he had a cell phone so I could call for help. The last thing I remember is looking up and seeing this witch flying back down right towards me.
It may not sound like much but it was one of those dreams that was so realistic that you didn't even realize that you were dreaming, it might as well have been real life.
I guess there is one more reason why I can't wait until this baby comes, so I can have some what normal dreams again otherwise I will call paramount and start writing their next hit horror films.
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