Well I have made it to the six month mark in this pregnancy and only have three months left. Although making just one more week is a huge accomplishment in this pregnancy, each day that God keeps this baby alive and me out of the hospital is a miracle.
Anyways six months deserves an update so here we go.
I have been at my parents place for two months now and my mom has been taking care of all my medical needs including flushing my picc line, preparing my tpn food bags and even changing my picc line dressing. Her and my father have been watching over Toryn and all his daily needs as well as getting me to doctors and ultra sound appointments.
My picc line is still doing fine which it better be because if this one fails I don't really have another option. After the last two picc lines failed the doctors informed me that I only have one vein that can be used and after three times the vein is no longer usable. That being said, we are doing everything we can to keep this line healthy.
At one point I had placenta previa but thankfully that has gone away. I no longer need to have a c-section unless something medically happens between now and the delivery. The doctors told me that they are trying to avoid a c-section at all costs because the recovery on my body is going to be very hard and if I have a c-section it will be even harder.
Baby Bear is doing amazingly well. He/she is growing and is exactly where they need to be at this point of the pregnancy. Right now the weight is about two pounds and is as long as an English cucumber. I have had nine ultra sounds so far in this pregnancy and will continue to have one every month until the baby is born just to make sure things are still going as planned.
That's all the good, here is the concerns.
My heart has been doing some strange things where it races uncontrollably for no reason and I get short of breath. The doctors are concerned so they want to hook me up to a heart monitor for a while to see if they can track it's rate and figure out what's going on. To give you an example of what I mean, I will be sleeping and do the smallest thing like roll over and my heart goes crazy and I am woken up gasping for breath.
I have developed this horrible cough and cold. On top of throwing up everyday I now have this barking chest cough that makes my chest feel like it's going to explode. My stomach hurts because of being sick and now hurts even more from coughing and I have a horrible headache. In fact, you know when you have the flu and your whole body just aches, that's what I feel like.
Dizzy spells are becoming more and more frequent. In the last five days I have been light headed or passed out four times. There is no explained reason as to why this is happening and it comes as randomly as it wants to. I know that I have normally low blood pressure and this could explain part of it but every time they check my blood pressure it comes up normal so who knows.
So there you go, I am still doing fine and for the moment still out of the hospital, we just don't know for how long. As I have told my family as long as this baby is healthy I will worry about my body after. Right now there just seems to be a few health concerns that need to be addressed in the near future.
Hey Amanda, thanks for the update.. i am continuing to pray for you and baby-bear.. and think about you all the time.
ReplyDeletelet me know if you need anything.
praying for your heart that if there are any concerns from doctors, that they will be very minor.
love ya friend. so excited to have you, Toryn and this little one back home in Lethbridge very soon!
Hey Amanda, thanks for the update.. i am continuing to pray for you and baby-bear.. and think about you all the time.
ReplyDeletelet me know if you need anything.
praying for your heart that if there are any concerns from doctors, that they will be very minor.
love ya friend. so excited to have you, Toryn and this little one back home in Lethbridge very soon!